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Núm. Reg. Turismo Castilla y León APART 40/162

Cookies policy

Cookies policy
A cookie is a small data package that is stored by a web server on the page visitor's computer and that contains, for example, information about the preferred language and settings. This type of information is stored in a file. When the visitor to the website returns to it, the browser sends a copy of the cookie to the web server. In this way the visitor is identified and the appearance of the web page is adjusted according to their preferences.
For the EU cookie policy, a distinction must be made between analysis cookies (they require consent) and technical cookies (they do not need consent):
  • Analysis cookies: this type of cookie is applied to analyze the use of a web page, collect statistical information on this last aspect and personalize the visit to the page. To this is also added, for example, making offers of a certain type depending on the use that is registered. This requires consent from the visitor. This type of cookies is not used on this website.
  • Technical cookies: this type of cookie is applied to guarantee the uninterrupted operation of the website. Here, no consent is required from the website visitor, as is the case on this site. In the case of this website, only cookies necessary for the operation of the page are used, so direct acceptance of them by visitors is not required.
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